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My Story 

Hi, I’m Aliyana. I’m the owner and operator of Aliyana Brows. The number one question I’m always asked during appointments is “So, what made you get into brows?”

Well… before brows were even a thought, I went to school for marketing, fashion design and barbering (VERY RANDOM, I KNOW.).

Finally, in January 2020, I ended up enrolling in Saint Paul College’s esthetician program.

Quickly into the program I realized skin care wasn’t something i could see myself focusing on long term. I’ve always had pretty thin brows growing up and it was actually my biggest insecurity. By 13, i was already filling my eyebrows in. So with a little over 10 years of doing my brows, it felt natural. I was doing what I’ve done for so long just with a different medium. From there, i become obsessed all things brows! Watching YouTube videos, following other brow artists, learning about products, trends, styles, etc. I’m naturally a perfectionist (i truly believe every brow artist is) so i was able to use my attention to detail and years of prior experience to build a find my passion and build a business.

A year and a half later, here we are. I have the best clients in the world, a growing product line and a list of goals i’m working to achieve.

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